. REDMOON Original concho is attached. . There are 12 card pockets. As the width is wide, so will a lot of bills too! . LP3000- RMA http://bit.ly/2nq9EOn . Please check RMTP REDMOON Trading Post http://bit.ly/2k8tsoP . It is the 2nd floor of Daikanyama post office. . 渋谷区代官山郵便局の2階にて弊社営業が常駐しております。 REDMOON Trading Post are open on the 2nd floor of Shibuya, Daikanyama post office 2F LFC. . ※不定休ですので大変申し訳ありませんが、ご来店の際は必ずカレンダーをご確認ください。 ※ We are very sorry because it is irregular holiday, but be sure to check the calendar when visiting. . 請來代官山展示店鋪參觀。 地址是在渋谷区代官山电邮电局的樓上,二樓。 因为休假日是不定期的,所以非常抱歉,请來店前店的时候一定要參考日历。 . REDMOON Trading Post 东京都涩谷区猿乐町23 - 3 http://bit.ly/2rGgqog . Sales calendar http://bit.ly/2gUj97D . 代官山郵便局 2F 2nd floor of Daikanyama post office . 〒150-0033 東京都渋谷区猿楽町23-3 . 23-3 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0033 . +81(0)50-1749-9645 . 代官山郵便局 / Daikanyama post office https://goo.gl/maps/9Ka79DLChhH2
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